David Jellie

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I started painting when I joined the Elgin

Artists in 2012.  More than anything I enjoy

the company of my fellow members who all

share an interest in art and the joy of

mucking around with paint and canvas and

paper to see what may emerge.  I often find

that when I start a painting it looks pretty

ordinary, bit if I persevere I can usually

resurrect something respectable.

I love the strong colours and the ragged

edges of the Australian outback and bush

and for the last few years my major output

has been painting in Ben Boyd National Park

on the southern coast of NSW.  This is

where we camp every summer – with fellow

Elgin Artists, Peter Sanders and Ian


I don’t seek to depict realism in my painting.

In fact I continually strive to become more

abstraction – but it is difficult to achieve.  It is

a battle between the eyes and the mind.  I

quite deliberately exaggerate shapes and

colours not so much to change the nature of

what I am painting but to express my feeling

of what I am seeing.

I would love to have met Van Gogh.

Contact details

Email: pdjellie@hotmail.com

Mobile: 0418 105 276