Peter Jones

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I came to art on my retirement from a senior

international position in a global oil and gas

company, responsible for 13 refineries and

their crude and product logistics. It was time

to call it a day more than 10 years ago and I

decided to enjoy a hopefully long, interesting

and rewarding retirement.

And so, Liz’s mother, who had been a very

accomplished artist for many years, gave me

a set of watercolours and encouraged me to

do something with them.  I started doing

botanical art and taking lessons from a well-

known professional, Jenny Philipps at the

Melbourne Botanical Art School.  I

discovered that botanical art was the

preserve of many women and few men, a

fact that made for interesting conversations

and viewpoints at my Wednesday morning


Some years later, I also took up an interest

in impressionist landscape painting, again in

watercolours.  I travel regularly to Italy to

feed this obsession, especially Venice and

Siena. I am trying to learn Italian to enhance

the experience.

I have exhibited works in both genres. I was

invited to join the Elgin Painters Group in

2016 and am proud to be a member

exhibiting with them for the first time in 2017.

I have many other interests including

singing, both in a choir and solo, playing the

piano and learning (ever so slowly) to play

the guitar, furniture-making and woodwork.

Both Liz and I love travelling together and

have a long “bucket list” which we are slowly

but steadily working on. We have 2 children

who each have children of their own: a great

joy to be part of them growing up.

Mobile : 0432 247 937

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