Derek Skues

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I have always had a great interest in art,

probably because of my mother’s training in

the subject. Having collected a number of

watercolour paintings over the years I had

not had the opportunity to participate in the

application of my interest until after I retired

in 2010. Then I became a member of a

weekly contemporary art class with the

Beaumaris Art Group for a number of years,

showing my work at its annual exhibitions,

and have undertaken oil landscape and

portraiture classes in more recent years.

I joined the Elgin Artists in 2013 and have

participated in its annual exhibitions. In 2015

I held my first solo exhibition with ten images

of Rome, which were interpreted in three

different mediums; charcoal, pen and pencil

and oil paint on canvas board. In 2017 I held

another solo exhibition, in pen and ink and

watercolour, based on the Elgin Artists tour

of Rajasthan, entitled “Black Rock to


In this year’s Open Studio I exhibit three

works inspired by the Elgin Artists life

drawing classes held in July and August, one

produced during our annual holiday on the

far north coast of New South Wales in

September, and the balance inspired by and

undertaken during our tour of Japan in


Mobile: 0418 893 676
